Karan Kothari Jewelers, Nagpur
- Built theme based story for each product line
- Empowered sales team to use storytelling while demonstrating jewelry
- The Vedanta Collections
Storytelling is the art which allows the science of Sales to be understood by the customer. If you are trying to answer the question “How to get customers to buy your product?”, you must understand that apart from making use of FAB (Features, Advantages and Benefits) and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) one has to learn to communicate in the form of stories of Sales ki Katha.
Stories help the seller connect emotionally with the buyer. The latter in anticipation exudes adrenaline and oxytocin, two vital secretions required to get the buyer into the buying mood. Sales Ki Katha revolves around 7 types of stories that a salesperson needs to master.
No contracts. We need to agree on points of consensus and disagree on points of disapproval. This leads to a co-created MOU which is mutually acceptable.
All payments are to be made 100% advance, digitally vide the following instamojo link
Please click on the link below to capture your self audit of the status of Sales Process in your company
Karan Kothari Jewelers, Nagpur
ICICI Bank Ltd
K&D Investments, Nagpur